this is a fantastic piece, Dan, thanks so much! i remember studying Jaynes' early work when i was in grad school working on my thesis (which included analysis of Homer's Ulysses) where the hero was guided thru his many obstacles by the Greek Gods. your creative piece here points to the emergent properties of consciousness and is easy to follow -- thanks!
Good one. I was aware that cognition runs largely by metaphor thru the work of Douglas Hofstadter. And that many of the metaphors in mind space are 3-D Euclidean geometry is something I've been aware of for some time as well. That many actions run by themselves outside of consciousness, I guess I knew, but to extend that to say that humans had no consciousness at one time is thought provoking. The idea that consciousness evolved thru time in humans is mind blowing.
I was feeling down, but now things are looking up, I'm moving forward and won't slide back, I know I'm on the right track and not out in left field. <- my attempt at metaphors for all directions in one sentence. Left/Right/Up/Down/Forward/Back. The 7th direction is right here in the center where I AM.
this is a fantastic piece, Dan, thanks so much! i remember studying Jaynes' early work when i was in grad school working on my thesis (which included analysis of Homer's Ulysses) where the hero was guided thru his many obstacles by the Greek Gods. your creative piece here points to the emergent properties of consciousness and is easy to follow -- thanks!
Good one. I was aware that cognition runs largely by metaphor thru the work of Douglas Hofstadter. And that many of the metaphors in mind space are 3-D Euclidean geometry is something I've been aware of for some time as well. That many actions run by themselves outside of consciousness, I guess I knew, but to extend that to say that humans had no consciousness at one time is thought provoking. The idea that consciousness evolved thru time in humans is mind blowing.
I was feeling down, but now things are looking up, I'm moving forward and won't slide back, I know I'm on the right track and not out in left field. <- my attempt at metaphors for all directions in one sentence. Left/Right/Up/Down/Forward/Back. The 7th direction is right here in the center where I AM.
Good one! Those metaphors must be right up your alley.